Mass of Remembrance
We invite you to join us for the annual Mass of Remembrance on Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. The mass will be held at St John the Baptist Catholic Church 4595 Bayview Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308.
Each year, we hold the Mass of Remembrance to honor the deceased students, alumni, faculty and staff of Cardinal Gibbons High School. To submit the name of a recently deceased classmate or faculty member to be included in the Mass please click here.
- Faculty
- Class of 1964
- Class of 1965
- Class of 1966
- Class of 1967
- Class of 1968
- Class of 1969
- Class of 1970
- Class of 1971
- Class of 1972
- Class of 1973
- Class of 1974
- Class of 1975
- Class of 1976
- Class of 1977
- Class of 1978
- Class of 1979
- Class of 1980
- Class of 1981
- Class of 1982
- Class of 1983
- Class of 1984
- Class of 1985
- Class of 1986
- Class of 1987
- Class of 1988
- Class of 1989
- Class of 1990
- Class of 1991
- Class of 1992
- Class of 1993
- Class of 1994
- Class of 1995
- Class of 1996
- Class of 1997
- Class of 1998
- Class of 1999
- Class of 2000
- Class of 2001
- Class of 2002
- Class of 2003
- Class of 2004
- Class of 2005
- Class of 2006
- Class of 2007
- Class of 2008
- Class of 2009
- Class of 2010
- Class of 2011
- Class of 2012
- Class of 2013
- Class of 2014
- Class of 2015
- Class of 2017
- Class of 2021
Name |
Jude Abrams |
Anthony L. Adolino |
Paul Aldridge |
Father Oscar Alonso, Sch.P |
Father Stephen Bendik, Sch.P |
Edward Betz |
Father Francis Boronat, Sch.P |
Richard Burke |
Father George Cardona, Sch.P. |
Sharon Chalmers |
John J. Chikerotis |
Sister Dorothy Clare, O.S.F. |
Father Benjamin Cobos, Sch.P |
Father Edmund P. Connors |
John Cunningham |
Gloria de la Cova |
Father Thomas Dennehy |
Father Stephen Divald, Sch.P |
Donna Donovan |
Sister Laverne Farrell, O.S.F |
Father Joan Feliu, Sch.P |
Brother Grant Ferris O.S.F.S. |
Father Alexander Fiori, Sch.P |
Monsignor Michael P.A. Flanagan, Sch.P |
Nicholas Florio |
Patrick Flynn |
Father Victor Forteza, Sch.P |
Janette Furness |
Bill Gauvin |
Father Leonard Gendernalik, Sch.P |
Fran Giblin |
Theresa Good |
Judith Green |
Walt Green |
Father Leo Kelly |
Mark Kirby |
Father Joseph J. Kershner, Sch.P |
Sister Celestine Kirschten, O.S.F |
Sister DePaul Klover, O.S.F. |
Father Jerome Langlais |
Lois Lapham |
Anthony Licata |
Don Marino |
Mary Ann McCrohan |
Henrietta McFadden |
Sister Dolores Marie McLaughlin, O.S.F |
John Melnicoff |
Pauline Milano |
Father Henry Mirowski, Sch.P |
Ann Moran |
John Moran |
Frank Mulzoff |
Father W. Ceslaus Naumowicz, Sch.P |
Father Charles W. Newburn, Sch.P |
Norma Norton |
Sharon Parr Norton |
Scott Eugene Orcutt |
Father Francis Pala, Sch.P |
Owen Pelott |
Robert "Bob" Pisano |
Sister Janet Rieden, O.S.F |
Thomas Risley |
Father Louis Roberts |
Sister Marie Schramko, O.S.F |
Angelina Scoglio |
John Sheedy |
Theresa Singer |
Bobbie Charles Stanley |
Mary Steuber |
Jean Unis |
Junior Wren |
Sister Claudia Zeller, O.S.F |
Class of 1964
Class of 1965
Class of 1966
Class of 1967
Name |
Kathy Welsh Alexander |
Richard Arnold |
Chris Bloechinger |
Cynthia Lee Boland |
Jerry Bopp |
John Cunningham |
Dolores Damron |
Patricia Dubeck |
Michael Frain |
Tom Glendon |
Tamara Golden Horejs |
Thomas "Tim" J. Krag |
Bruce Koch |
Yves Jacques |
James MacNeil |
Leslie C. Marshall |
Beth Roffelsen Marriage |
Vincent Matteis |
Gail Hines McCreless |
Jeffrey Ott |
James Schwantes |
Sue Gore St. Amant |
Gary Stark |
Class of 1968
Class of 1969
Class of 1970
Name |
Kathleen Alber |
Clifford J. Allan |
Susie Allman |
Nancy Barrett |
Gordon Bond |
Penny Bouchard |
Cynthia Bird Bridgman |
James Bulfin |
Peggy Campbell |
Debbie Cowdrey |
Gilbert Dumas |
Luis Entrialgo |
Helene Fleck |
David Fyotek |
Robert Garvey |
Robert Gustke |
James Healy |
Lynn Lawand |
Kevin Lucy |
Michael McMahon |
William McManus |
Ray McNally |
Gene Mitchell |
Marcia Moran |
Colleen Myers |
John Quinlan |
Joseph Saxenmeyer |
Ernie Schutzenhofer |
John Schwantes |
Fran Shaia |
Gary Unis |
Jeanne Weinrich |
Rita Williams |
Jim Wood |
Class of 1971
Class of 1972
Class of 1973
Class of 1974
Name |
Tim Alper |
Frank Bartek |
Glenn Bowers |
Bruce Boyle |
Pat Brown |
Jim Busby |
Richard Chisholm |
Susan Clancy |
Denise Cormier |
Margaret Dix |
Barbara Williams Garrison |
Tom Geiger |
Lynn Hapka |
John W. Hittel |
John Kopson |
Alicia Lozeau |
Anthony Mazzurco, Jr. |
Thomas "TJ" McAdam |
Sharon Offer McCarthy |
Joe McFadden |
Terry McGowan |
William Mimnagh |
Judith Ann Norton Noble |
Tim Sivore |
Class of 1975
Class of 1976
Class of 1977
Class of 1978
Class of 1979
Name |
David Batchelor |
Tom Bulfin |
Alex Cardenas |
Colleen Ferron Transleau |
Chris Guillermie |
Phyllis Labbato |
Janice Leidy |
Lisa Lopresto Moran |
Vita Ballatore O'Brien |
David Phelps |
Lisa Crowley Phillips |
Brandon Quinlan |
Donald Reed |
Thomas Stephens |
John Stevens |
Peter Thompson |
Mary Welhaf |
Bill Wilson |
Mike Yastrzemski |
Class of 1980
Class of 1981
Class of 1982
Class of 1983
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Class of 1986
Class of 1987
Class of 1988
Class of 1989
Class of 1990
Class of 1991
Class of 1992
Class of 1993
Class of 1994
Class of 1995
Class of 1996
Class of 1997
Class of 1998
Class of 1999
Class of 2000
Class of 2001
Class of 2002
Class of 2003
Class of 2004
Class of 2005
Class of 2006
Class of 2007
Class of 2008
Class of 2009
Class of 2010
Class of 2011
Class of 2012
Class of 2013
Class of 2014
Class of 2015
Class of 2017
Class of 2021
Name |
Jude Abrams |
Wendy Harris Aceves |
Anthony L. Adolino |
Michael G. Ahearn |
Kathleen Alber |
Thomas Alber |
Paul Aldridge |
Kathy Welsh Alexander |
Clifford J. Allan |
Dale Allen |
Susan Allman |
Father Oscar Alonso, Sch.P |
Tim Alper |
Rafael Ampuero |
Michael Anderson |
Mark Armato |
John Buchanan Avery "Buck" Arnold |
Richard Arnold |
Brian Arnold |
John Audette |
Dimitrios "Jim" Bakatselos |
Tracey Baroody |
Darren Barrasso |
Nancy Barrett |
David Bartek |
Frank Bartek |
David Batchelor |
Rob Bayliss |
Lisa Marie Bechert |
Father Stephen Bendik, Sch.P |
Edward Betz |
Michael Biggar |
Mark Binko |
William C. Binko |
Desmond Bissessar |
Chris Bloechinger |
Debbie Blum |
Lindsay Bohannon |
Gordon Bond |
Cynthia Lee Boland |
Jerry Bopp |
Father Francis Boronat, Sch.P |
Penny Bouchard |
Charles Boule |
Glenn Bowers |
Tamara Boy |
Bruce Boyle |
Jacob Bresnahan |
Cynthia Bird Bridgman |
Samuel Britton |
Patrick S. Brooks |
Curtis Brown |
Pat Brown |
Richard Bryant |
Lisa Bujalski |
James Bulfin |
Richard Burke |
Jim Busby |
Lilia Busby |
Kathy Butler |
Heidi Buttner |
Barbara Kane Callaghan |
Fred Calvarese |
Tim Campbell |
Peggy Campbell |
Craig Campbell |
Kevin Campbell |
Shannon Carbone |
Alex Cardenas |
Father George Cardona, Sch.P. |
Jeanne Baccari Carroll |
Patrick Cervone |
Sharon Chalmers |
Vicki Lang Chamberlain |
John J. Chikerotis |
Richard Chisholm |
Michael Cimino |
Susan Clancy |
Sister Dorothy Clare, O.S.F. |
Christopher Cleary |
Theresa McGinty Collier |
Noreen Condy |
Francis Xavier Connelly |
Andrew Connolly |
Mary Patricia Connolly |
Father Edmund P. Connors |
Robert Conte |
Max Conway |
Kristy Cook |
Terrence Cooney |
Ben Coopersmith |
Kirk Copanos |
Denise Cormier |
Tim Cotter |
Michael Coulombe |
Michael Crocco |
Joe Croce |
Father Benjamin Cobos, Sch.P |
Michael Coulombe |
Debbie Cowdrey |
Richard Crow |
Charles F. Crowley, III |
Kevin Cregan |
John Cunningham |
Chris Cunningham |
Daniel John Cucchi |
Gregg Cullen |
Name |
Vincent D'Amico |
Dolores Damron |
Stanley Danciu |
Trevor Deem |
Gloria de la Cova |
Stephan Deleuze |
Father Thomas Dennehy |
Albert Di Bella |
Molly Dickinson |
Father Stephen Divald, Sch.P |
Margaret Dix |
Patricia Donoghue |
Donna Donovan |
Mary Jeannette Dorsey |
John E. Doughman |
Travis Doyle |
Alexander Drowne |
Nancy Limperis Dschida |
Patricia Dubeck |
Gilbert Dumas |
Bonnie Duskie |
Danielle Eaton |
Matthew Eisel |
Jeff Eller |
Luis Entrialgo |
Nadia Ezaldein |
John Farese |
Sister Laverne Farrell, O.S.F |
Father Joan Feliu, Sch.P |
Dr. Michelle Ferrari-Gegerson |
Edward Ferrer III |
Alex Ferris |
Brother Grant Ferris O.S.F.S. |
Colleen Ferron Transleau |
Matthew A. Fiorello |
Father Alexander Fiori, Sch.P |
Kelly Fitzgerald Koenke |
Monsignor Michael P.A. Flanagan, Sch.P |
John Joseph Flavin "J.J." |
Helene Fleck |
Nicholas Florio |
Patrick Flynn |
Father Victor Forteza, Sch.P |
David Fyotek |
Stacey Francis |
Michael Frain |
Kevin Frasor |
Eugene "Jay" French |
William French |
Dalton Shirley French |
Janette Furness |
Joseph Fuzia |
Name |
Patricia M. Galloway |
Barbara Williams Garrison |
Christopher Gartland |
Robert Garvey |
Michael Gatti |
Bill Gauvin |
Tom Geiger |
Father Leonard Gendernalik, Sch.P |
Mark N. Gereffi |
Nicholas Gereffi |
Fran Giblin |
Ryan David Gilbert |
Richard Giovanelli |
Lynn Chepurko Giorgianni |
E. Carl Glassmeyer |
Tom Glendon |
Tamara Golden Horejs |
Dale Goldstein |
John Gomez |
Theresa Good |
Marylu Gorman |
Paul Greeley |
Judith Green |
Walt Green |
Mark Greve |
Nick Greve |
Lia Guest |
Debbie Guichard* |
Chris Guillermie |
Robert Gustke |
Mike Guzman |
Robert Hagan |
Brad Haines |
Lynn Hapka |
Cathleen Harder |
Mary Harder |
Michael Harris |
Lisa Hart |
Robert Hauss |
Brooke Harbaugh |
Penny Wise Harrison |
James Healy |
Luke Hickey |
Paul Hillebrand |
Courtney Hillman |
Gail Hink |
John W. Hittel |
Andy Hope |
Joseph Houle |
Hayley Lisa Oppenheimer Houston |
Isabella Hurtado |
Michael J Jacobs |
Yves Jacques |
Richard Jagelman |
James Jakala |
Katherine Jamesson |
Mary Janeshutz |
Denise Johnson |
Michele Johnson |
Michael Talton Johnston, Jr. |
Skyler Jones |
Tonya M. Jones |
Christine Larson Justesen |
Father Leo Kelly |
Michael Kelly |
Ryan Kelley |
Father Joseph J. Kershner, Sch.P |
Brian Button Kill |
Mark Kirby |
Sister Celestine Kirschten, O.S.F |
James Patrick Klein, Sr. |
Sister DePaul Klover, O.S.F. |
Bruce Koch |
Bradley Kompa |
John Kopson |
Steve Kopson |
Michael Kowalski |
Thomas "Tim" J. Krag |
Patti Trotta Kreuslich |
Karoline Kielbania Kurlander |
* attended but did not graduate from Gibbons |
Name |
Phyllis Labato |
Kimberly Lacek |
Father Jerome Langlais |
Steve Langsenkamp |
Lois Lapham |
Karen Marie Leach |
Joey Lee |
Janice Leidy |
Tom Letourneau |
Lynn Lawand |
Gustavo Andres Lezcano |
Peter Licari |
Anthony Licata |
Nicholas Limperis |
Danute "Donna" Liutermoza |
Caitlyn Lockard |
Ted Lombardi |
Lisa Lopresto Moran |
John K. Lowry, Jr. |
Alicia Lozeau |
Kevin Lucy |
Dennis Lynch |
Dorothy "Suzy" Palmer MacNeil |
James MacNeil |
Chad Macy |
Jack "Mickey" Maguire |
Martha Leveque Mahafey |
Sieglinde Kortye Mailloux |
Dave Maitland |
Bill Mannilla |
Mark Manofsky |
C. Peter Marcoux |
Don Marino |
Beth Roffelsen Marriage |
Leslie C. Marshall |
Joseph Martorano |
Vincent Matteis |
Peter Mayer |
Anthony Mazzurco, Jr. |
Thomas "TJ" McAdam |
John McCallion |
Sharon Offer McCarthy |
Gail Hines McCreless |
Mary Ann McCrohan |
Marisol McDermott |
Joe McFadden |
Henrietta McFadden |
Terry McGowan |
James McKee |
Sister Dolores Marie McLaughlin, O.S.F |
Patti McLaughlin |
Michael McMahon |
William McManus |
Diane Devine McManus |
Charles McMillen |
Raymond McNally |
Kevin McSweeney |
Carmen McTaggart |
John Melnicoff |
Charles "Chuck" Michel |
Jeffrey Micklow |
Pauline Milano |
David Miller |
William Mimnagh |
Father Henry Mirowski, Sch.P |
Gene Mitchell |
James Moffat |
Graham Moody |
Kathy Buchanan Mooney |
Ann Moran |
John Moran |
Marcia Moran |
David Morgenstern |
Diane Morgillo |
Jennifer Morrison |
Mark Moyano |
Frank Mulzoff |
Jay Munger |
Michael F. Murphy |
Colleen Myers |
Father W. Ceslaus Naumowicz, Sch.P |
Matthew Navin |
Christina Nelson |
Father Charles W. Newburn, Sch.P |
Rose Ann Nixon |
Judith Ann Norton Noble |
Thomas Noise |
James Nolan |
Paul Nolan |
Norma Norton |
Sharon Parr Norton |
Robert Nushawg |
Name |
Kathleen Oltarsh |
Patrick O'Malley |
Barbara O'Neil |
Kellen O'Neill |
Herman Ortiz |
Jeffrey Ott |
Stephen O'Brien |
Vita Ballatore O'Brien |
Scott Eugene Orcutt |
Father Francis Pala, Sch.P |
Michael B. Paladino |
Vincent Palmeri |
Glenn Pangeri |
Oliver Addison Parker |
Susan Brand Parnham |
Helene Pelny |
Owen Pelott |
John Penaherrera |
Scott Pennel |
Tracey Pendrod |
Thomas Peragine |
Christina Perez |
Mike Peters |
Josh Peterson |
Carmen Peterson |
David Phelps |
Lisa Crowley Phillips |
Tonya Pinasco |
Robert "Bob" Pisano |
Christina Pitcher |
Jesse Pollock |
Patricia Seador Pollyniak |
Kyle Porter |
Richard Pound |
Ben Povilonis |
Justin Price |
Larry Quinlan |
John Quinlan |
Brandon Quinlan |
Ann Radigan |
Adam Ray |
Donald Reed |
Peter Reed |
Carla Revilla |
Sister Janet Rieden, O.S.F |
Thomas Risley |
Father Louis Roberts |
Nancy Flaherty Robison |
Patrick Roche |
Alex Rondeau |
Wendy Rossheim |
Kymberly Roth |
Wendy Russo |
Pamela Ryan |
Name |
William Sander |
Michael Salomone |
Sean Saunders |
Colin Saunders |
Stacey Shohat Sawyer |
Joseph Saxenmeyer |
Susan Sayer |
Sister Marie Schramko, O.S.F |
Ernest Schutzenhofer |
James Schwantes |
Joseph Schwantes |
John Schwantes |
Jeff Schwantes |
Jerry Schwantes |
Kayla Schwenk Fox |
Brandon Scibilia |
Angelina Scoglio |
Sister Arlene Scott |
Mary Seese Muter |
Robin Shaw Selbach |
Andrew Selz |
Alexandra Senesi |
John Sheedy |
Chris Sheehan |
Michael Shepard |
Fran Shaia |
Ann Marie Siefker |
Marlin Sills |
Rose Misita Simko |
Theresa Singer |
Tim Sivore |
Ron Sloan |
Suzanne Hauss Sloane |
Andre Sloate |
Mark Smiciklas |
Chuck Smith |
Thomas Smith |
Paul "Tripp" Snyder |
Steve Sologuren |
Elaine Songer |
Gail Green Songer |
Thomas Sprissler |
Sue Gore St. Amant |
Bobbie Charles Stanley |
David Stannard |
Timothy Stansbury |
Gary Stark |
Gregg Alan Stark |
Andrew Stark |
Daniel Stark |
Greg T. Steiger |
Jamie Stella |
Thomas Stephens |
Mary Steuber |
John Stevens |
Matt Storelli |
Adam Stuart |
Margaret Sullivan |
F. William "Bill" Sullivan |
Mary Spelman Talbot |
Eric Tarmey |
Jill Downey Tavelli |
Brian Taylor |
Hyman Taylor |
Mitchell D. Thieme |
Pierre Therien |
Keith Thompson |
Jamie Smith Thompson |
Peter Thompson |
Rick Thompson |
Carmen Tortora |
Danial Touhy |
Jean Unis |
Gary Unis |
Mark Unis |
Rosemarie Vallaro |
Beatriz Gonzalez Van Pelt |
Carly Ann Van Sciver |
Denise Vasquez Cochran |
Name |
Christopher "Bubba" Walker |
Tracey Walkup |
William Watson |
Daniel Watson |
Judy Weber |
Kevin Weed |
Jeanne Weinrich |
Richard Welsh |
Mary Welhaf |
Trent Wells |
Deanna Winterholler |
Paul Witte |
Brian Widoff |
John Wilbur |
Michele E. Willey |
Karen Fleck Williams |
Diane Williams |
Rita Williams |
Timothy Williams |
Bill Wilson |
Jason Lee Wilson |
Matthew Winningham |
Jim Wood |
Robert Woods |
Cheryl Worsham |
Junior Wren |
Richard Wuest |
Regan Wohlfarth Yardley |
Mike Yastrzemski
Marya Yates |
Tom Yates |
Roger Yeoman |
Peter Zamer |
Jeanette Zelasko |
Sister Claudia Zeller, O.S.F |
Mary Martha "Marti" Ziegler |
Dr. Peter Zielinski |
Michelle Zimmer |